Innovation Accelerator

Natalia Tsvetanova, Job Tiger

Start-up Psychology, Job Tiger
LinkedIn Profile

Natalia Tsvetanova has a master’s degree in Organizational and Work Psychology form Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. Her professional career started in JobTiger, a company for complex HR services, as a Recruitment Specialist in 2017. She was later promoted to Recruitment Manager and has been leading the recruitment team up to this day.

Her interests are focused on recruitment and retention of talent, organizational psychology, and cultural differences locally, as well as internationally.

In 2022 she started a specialization in start-up psychology and eventually developed her own blog focused on the same theme – Start-up Psychology. The idea comes after the noticeable increase in the global tendency for self-owned companies. The blog deals with the human side in starting and developing a business and the challenges the entrepreneurs face.